dimanche 16 décembre 2012

le caviar, une passion francaise

A quelques jours des fêtes de fin d'année, intéressons nous rapidement à un produit de luxe, autrefois réservé aux élites et qui pourrait bien faire son entrée sur nos tables de réveillon; Il s'agit du caviar.

En oui, cette année et pour le plus grand plaisir des fins gourmets vous aurez peut-être la chance de déguster cet or gris que seul une poignée de porte-monnaie pouvait s'offrir jusqu'à maintenant.

Depuis quelques années, avec la disparition de l'Esturgeon (le poisson produisant les oeufs) le caviar est en phase de devenir un produit de grande consommation. En effet,  le caviar sauvage étant de plus en plus rare, c'est un autre genre de caviar, dit caviar d'élevage moins "naturel", plus "industriel" mais également moins chère et d'aussi bonne qualité qui inonde le marché actuellement.

Mais bien plus qu'un simple produit de consommation, le caviar est avant tout une histoire de passion que les spécialistes de cette tendance ne manqueront pas de vous faire partager. Au début du mois de Décembre, le site caviarpassion.com spécialisé dans la vente en ligne de caviar et la boutique de luxe Haviland avaient organisés une rencontre "dégustative" autour du caviar, où les consommateurs purent apprendre les règles de bonne dégustation du caviar.

Alors de 40 à 400€ les 30g de caviar, opterez vous pour l'or gris cette année?

lien de l'article ici

dimanche 9 décembre 2012

digital IQ

Digital IQ is an assessment of how well companies understand the value of technology and weave it into the fabric of their organization. Growing your Digital IQ entails more than merely adopting the latest tools or having a large IT budget—it is about integrating technology into the way a company plans, innovates, measures results, interacts with customers, and ultimately creates value

To get a high digital IQ value, the companies should take into account four main components:

  • The website= effectiveness of the brand site
 The website represents 30% of the digial IQ
for example we can find:
Ø  Site Technology
Ø  Site Search & Navigation
Ø   Reservations
Ø   Property Pages and Destination Guides
Ø   Customer Service
Ø   Rewards/Loyalty Programs
Ø   Social Media Integration

  • The mobile = Compatibility, optimization and marketing on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
mobiles represents 20% of digital IQ.
Ø  Mobile sites/compatibility, functionality, Transaction
Ø  IOS Applications/Android& Blackberry: availability, popularity, functionality
Ø  mobile innovations: sms, geo located, instagram, etc

  • Social medias= Brand presence, community size, content, and engagement on major social media platformson global and select property accounts
It represents  20% of the digital IQ
Ø  facebook:
Likes", Growth, Post Frequency, Applications, Responsiveness, Content, Interaction Rate, F-Commerce
Ø  Twitter:
Followers, Growth, Tweet Frequency, Online Voice
Ø  YouTube: 
Views, Number of Uploads, Subscriber Growth, Content, Interactivity

  • Digital marketing=Search, display, and email marketing efforts
It represents  30% of the digital IQ

Ø  Search:
Trafic, SEM, SEO, Web Authority
Ø  Display Advertising & Innovation:
Text & Banner Ads, Retargeting, Cross-platform Innovation Initiatives, Presence on Emerging Platforms: Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+
Ø  Blog & Other User-Generated Content:
Mentions, Sentiment, TripAdvisor Reviews
Ø  email:
Frequency, Content, Social Media Integration,Mobile Optimization

after BRICs, CIVETS?

Ten years after Brazil, Russia, India and China were dubbed the BRICs, any early mover advantage for investing in those economies has long gone.
But lovers of acronyms will be relieved to learn the latest investment theme claiming to steal a march on emerging markets also has a catchy name: CIVETS.
The so-called CIVETS group of countries—Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa—are being touted as the next generation of tiger economies, even if they are named after a more shy and retiring feline mammal.
These nations all have large, young populations with an average age of 27. This, or so the theory goes, means these countries will benefit from fast-rising domestic consumption. They also are all fast-growing, relatively diverse economies, meaning they shouldn't be as heavily dependent on external demand as the BRICs.
article link is HERE

customer discovery path

hotel booking opportunities

dimanche 2 décembre 2012

Hydropolis Underwater Hotel, Dubai in 2015

There have been some pretty crazy real estate projects buils in the united Arab Emirates like the world’stallest buildind: the burj Dubai. This time, the Hydropolis Underwater Hotel and Resort is a proposed hotel, designed by Prof. Joachim hauser that could be the world's first underwater luxury resort . It is planned to be situated 66 feet (20 m) below the surface of the Persian Gulf, just off Jumeira Beach in Dubai, and projected to cost $300 million to construct, 225 million have already been collected.

 In fact no initial construction had begun, the hotel project was conceived in 2006, was delayed in 2008, but the planned construction should occur in 2015 thanks to trust investors. With a projected cost of $300 million to build, it would be also one of the world’s most expensive hotels to visit on the earth. The undersea hotel should be built with 140 suites for a total cost per night about 13 000 euros. That’s the price for a 7 stars luxury service!! As well, places for dinning, a shopping complex, a spa and a cinema will occur. But with all of what’s to “sea” around you , who needs movies?

 If we go further, the first undersea hotel will have to be respectful of the environment. The designer said: “I have designed Hydropolis with organic structures in mind to remove the sharp edges and harsh architectural design components of land-based edifices […] the effect is to create more tranquil living environs where smoother architectural flow blends our natural biorhythms with our living spaces.” So underwater living is certainly one vastly unexplored territory such destination will be more commonplaces, especially if we screw up this planet with global warming. Underwater hotels like hydropolis may be a means for survival.

 And you, what do you think about?

 Article link is HERE