lundi 18 février 2013

Content strategy

See the full post "four eyes are better than two", on the trendy fashion blog oh joy!


Other example of lifestyle content with this amazing and beautiful video from the same blog:

To go further: how can a hotel without a "lifestyle vibe" develop an effective content strategy?

, the hotel need to :

  • know what its customers, community want to talk about and be willing to engage in those conversations:
 think about a keywords analysis as a tool for blog post or blog SEO that will help to uncover the language that the hotel's audience is using on the social web
  • know where to interact with the audience, in other words where to "hang out" online
Different social media tools can implement the content strategy of the hotel such as blogs which are powerful method for engaging the hotel audience, it has social media and SEO benefits.
  • measure the results of the content and to see which ones catch fire and if you are making headway: 
track how many comments and likes the facebook post gets/ track how many post or tweets mention the hotel brand/ how many comments get the blog posts/ how much traffic on your different social platforms and how mauch traffic you gain thanks to twitter and facebook.

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